Scripture of the Day

Monday, March 22, 2010


Another part of your daily preparation is the planning stage of your day. How can you be prepared if you don't have a plan for the day, week, month, year... Seriously, how can you be a leader if you don't have a plan to lead yourself by?

Over my life I have used many different planning systems and they are all good. Since none of them fit exactly what I needed, I developed my own. I will send you a copy that you can use for free if you ask.

This system is a two page system and covers everything you need for your preparation and planning. Most people think the planner is simply a calendar to mark down appointments. That is a small part of the system. A complete system will let you record your affirmations, personal mission statements, long and short term goals, daily priorities, what you are reading, praying about and your daily calendar.

The age old saying, "people don't plan to fail, they fail to plan" is so true. I would venture to say many actually take more time planning their vacation than they do for their future. People spend $1000's on a wedding and won't spend $20 on a planner. Doesn't make much sense to me.

Get started and develop the routine of planning your day by preparing your mind every morning. The pay-off is incredible. God Bless!

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