Scripture of the Day

Sunday, March 14, 2010


Have you ever spent substantial time trying to resolve an issue or fix an issue only to come to the startling conclusion there is nothing you can do about it. In other words, the situation is out of your control.

I have, and still do on occasion. Many people live a life in the "out of control zone" Meaning they are in constant struggle with things they can do little or nothing about. Three areas come to mind.

Things other people think, do and say. The past. The weather. Spending too much time in these areas brings about a bad harvest. You cant sow good seeds here, because you have absolutely no control in these areas.

You cannot control what others do, so quit trying. You can control how you react!

Once something happens, it is the past and cannot be changed so quit trying. You control how you react!

The weather is the weather, you cant change it so quit complaining. You can control how you react!

The common theme is how we react to things we can't control. This is our subject for the week, God Bless!


  1. This is something I have definetly struggled with and continued to address in my life. I think a lot of improving this in your life is becoming more mature. "Safe P" and Jaime Frey, I think, are the two thinngs that have helped me grow the most in this area. Not everything in life is set to be a personal attack on you. With that being said, don't treat everything as it is a personal attack.

  2. It takes time to get to the point where you accept what you can and cant control. You are on the right track!
