Scripture of the Day

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Leaders are Readers

Reading is the foundation to learning.

Pick any book and start reading today. Get in the habit of reading at least 15 minutes each day.

I love to read first thing in the morning and right before bed. These times work best for me, but your time may be different. The only way you'll know is to start.

What will you gain from reading positive material every day?

A positive mental attitude.



Understanding others.

A huge advantage over those who don't read.

Next Week we will discuss sowing and reaping and my favorite bible verse, Galatians 6:7-10.

Have a blessed weekend and may God grant your every prayer.

1 comment:

  1. Yes, sweetie you have a very valid point on reading books that help a leader grow. I really have enjoyed reading many of John Maxwell's leadership books. I recall the first time reading his books what a difference they played in my attitude in looking at how I can approach situations having the ability to finding solutions rather than excuses and creating greater chaos.
    Thank you, for encouraging me to read these books, as well as listening to audio cd's, like those of Frank Bollela, these tools have helped me grow as an individual and leader that will continue to grow doing exactly what you are proposing to your followers.
