Scripture of the Day

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

leadership DNA (LDNA)

The first step in determining your leadership DNA is discernment. It is defined as Keenness of insight and judgement.

How does this translate?

A portion of our LDNA consists of how well we know ourselves. Do you know yourself inside and out? If you were looking at yourself, how would you describe you? Ask someone you are close with to be brutally honest with you and then ask yourself if that is what you saw when you looked at you!

Next; do you know your life purpose? Do you know what really turns you on? What motivates you? Can you motivate yourself?
If you cant answer these in five seconds, you probably don't know what you are about.

I've heard it said the 11th commandment is" Thou shall not fool thyself!" Meaning of course be real with yourself.

If you aren't the person you aspire to be, so-what. You can go through the change process and reach your goals. Many have done this and many more are works in progress.

You cant be a successful leader until you can lead yourself and the first step is knowing who your are and what your purpose is.

Proverbs 28:11 says it clearly. Others will see right through you if you aren't real in thoughts and actions.

An example of this in my life dates back to 1986. I wanted to quit my job with a large defense contractor and become a financial planner. At that time I was an introvert. In fact, a super introvert, or so I thought. It was difficult for me to start conversations with strangers. The real issue being my self-confidence was non-existent. A big problem as a 100% commissioned sales person.

I had to change and change fast if I wanted my family to eat. I read book after book on sales and building confidence. I attended every seminar possible and eventually I overcame. Although I didn't hit it big in sales at the time, the education I received made me successful in other areas.

Had I lacked the discernment and judgement to recognize my flaws life would be completely different.

Spend time and get to know yourself honestly. If you have not established a personal mission statement, now is a good time to do so. A mission statement will help you discern who you are!

I'll help you create your own mission statement if you'd like. Post a comment or send an email to

God Bless!

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