Scripture of the Day

Thursday, April 15, 2010

leadership DNA (LDNA)

The third major factor in our Leadership DNA is association. In normal terms, who we hang around with. This is straight forward and though there is not much to talk about here, it is as important as the first two factors.

The old saying, "if you hang out with dogs, you get fleas" is true. As is "guilt by association."

It is nearly impossible to stay positive if you are surrounded by negative people. It is equally as hard to stay negative when you are surrounded by positive thinkers. Certain groups will tear you down, while others lift you up. Pick your friends and business associates with care.

Proverbs 11:14 NKJV states, Where there is no counsel, the people fall; But in the multitude of counselors there is safety. 

In all areas of life we reap what we sow and sowing good relationships with like minded and positive people will pay dividends forever. This goes for both parties of the relationship.

In conclusion, the three major components of LDNA are:

1. Discernment- how well you know yourself
2. Normalize- the stability of your emotions
3. Association- who you build relationships with

Everyone one of us has the ability to make the necessary changes in these areas. Doing so will help you become a more effective leader, friend, spouse and person.

God Bless!

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