Scripture of the Day

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Paying the Price

Here is a brief excerpt from my upcoming book where I discuss paying the price.

It can be easy to take short cuts in life. In fact many people tend to spend more time trying to figure out how to circumvent the system looking for the easy way.

The first step in true personal growth on your way to success is to realize that there will be a cost for success and a cost for failure. What most don’t realize is you will have to pay one of these prices. You can pay the price (invest) in your success once and reap the rewards forever. Or you can continually pay the price for failure.

This price will be paid over and over again for the rest of your life. The choice is yours. It is much easier to go with the success option.

John Maxwell in Leadership Promises discusses the price one must pay in order to achieve success. Here are the factors:

    • 1. Change of lifestyle: in all things good, change must occur
    • 2. Loneliness: it can be a lonely process
    • 3. Faith in GOD: keep in prayer and wait on God’s time
    • 4. Criticism: expect those you leave behind to criticize you
    • 5. Hard Work and Money: you won’t reach your goal by slacking and you should practice delayed gratification. Your rewards will come.
    • 6. Daily Discipline: affirmations, planning your day, everyday pays huge dividends
    • 7. Constant Pressure: you will feel more pressure as you become successful, but you’ll be able to handle it better as well

Maxwell, John C. Leadership: Promises for Every Day, a Daily Devotional. Nashville, Tenn: J. Countryman, 2003.

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