A freelance author and senior manager. I teach the VALID leadership concept and SUCCESS principles to the Christian and general markets.
Our Family

(Back Row)Homer, Sarah, Chris, Samantha, Josh, (Front Row) Rosemary, Me
Scripture of the Day
Sunday, February 28, 2010
Faith without Works
Her words paraphrased,"I know I have my part in this, but I need to know that God will be there to get me through it."
This brings us a great topic for the week, "Faith without Works is Dead." What does this mean and how do we apply to our lives?
We will discuss this week starting with the scripture James 2:14,20 and 26 (NKJV). Read through the second chapter of James and think about how you can relate this to your everyday walk with God as well as you everyday life.
God Bless!
Friday, February 26, 2010
Friday Morning
Have a blessed Weekend and continue your tenacious walk with God.
Thursday, February 25, 2010
66 Love Letters
Click on the link below and subscribe to this daily emailing of 6 love letters from God. Truly amazing way to start the day.
66 Love letters
Have a Blessed day and may you have a Tenacious walk with God!
Monday, February 22, 2010
Sowing and Reaping
What happens to you in the future has a direct correlation of what you did in the past. This applies in all things. Your future is shaped by the things and decisions you already made. You will sow what you reap.
I am a believer in Jesus Christ. He is my Lord and Savior. I am not a bible scholar so please be easy on me here. This is how I interpret this passage.
God will make sure that all things sown in the flesh will reap bad seeds. All things sown in the spirit will reap great harvest. I think I already said this numerous times. But its a fact.
Here is the part that often gets left out. It will take time to see the fruits of your work. Do not stop sowing good seeds because there is not a quick harvest. All things happen on God's time, not when we want them too. Hang in there and continue to do the right things in life, you will receive the blessing.
There will also be times when you sow good seeds and bad things happen. Once again, hang in there and continue to do good. As the passage says, God will not be mocked, you will reap what you sow. But only on God's time.
God Bless.
Sunday, February 21, 2010
Sowing and Reaping
Matthew 13: 1-9, 18-23
Mark 4:1-9, 13-21
Galatians 6:7-10
The basic premise of reaping what you sow is quite simple. The seeds you plant (sow) will come to harvest (reap). The type of harvest you cultivate will depend on the type of seeds you planted. If you plant bad seeds, for example, you talk bad about, cheat or deceive and/ or, take advantage of others. Eventually you will have to pay the prices for these actions.
However, if you spent your time treating others with respect, playing by the rules, living with integrity; sowing good seeds. You will reap the reward for these actions. This is a Biblical and universal truth and there are no exceptions to this rule.
Over the next few days we'll discuss the verses shown above and how to apply these truths in you daily life. God Bless!
Thursday, February 18, 2010
Leaders are Readers
Pick any book and start reading today. Get in the habit of reading at least 15 minutes each day.
I love to read first thing in the morning and right before bed. These times work best for me, but your time may be different. The only way you'll know is to start.
What will you gain from reading positive material every day?
A positive mental attitude.
Understanding others.
A huge advantage over those who don't read.
Next Week we will discuss sowing and reaping and my favorite bible verse, Galatians 6:7-10.
Have a blessed weekend and may God grant your every prayer.
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
Living Life in the Zone by Kyle Rote Jr and Dr Joe Pettigrew
As I started reading through the introduction I started to get excited about the idea. After the first few chapters I could not put it down and ended up finishing the book in about 4 days.
Now I am going through each day when I wake up and look forward to reading and doing the exercises at the ends of the chapters.
I am really impressed with the diversity of the stories for each day and how the authors blend the scripture in with todays challenges.
This is a must read for all men. I will be recommending this book to everyone that I know. It is that good!
Disclosure of Material Connection: I received this book free from Thomas Nelson Publishers as part of their BookSneeze.com
Leaders are Readers
I started back to college at age 44 as an insurance policy in case of job loss. There was an additional benefit I received and one I never dreamed of.
At home I would sent hours studying algebra, philosophy, marketing, history and the rest of the general subjects needed to obtain my degree. The one thing I didn't think about was work. This kept me fresh and it also helped me view my job duties from a completely new perspective.
Instead of thinking about trucking 24/7 I thought about other things and left work at work. Each morning when I arrived at the office I had an entirely different perspective of the same old job.
Reading was one of the keys. It forced my mind to open up and absorb new subjects and think differently about familiar subjects. It helped me rise above the competition and move on to a much better job and lifestyle.
Reading is vital to success! Gob Bless
Monday, February 15, 2010
Leaders are Readers, cont'd
Here is a list of great Books to start with. This list is the starting point and by no means exclusive. The list is in no particular order after the first and each should be read multiple times.
The Bible. My preference is the John Maxwell Leadership Bible
The Magic of Thinking Big by David Schwartz
As a Man Thinketh by James Allen
Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill
All books by John Maxwell
All Books by Og Mandino
Golfs Sacred Journey by David Cook
As you read these classics, you will be amazed on how your thoughts will be transformed. And thoughts become feelings. Feelings become actions. Actions become habits. And habits become your success or your failure.
Sunday, February 14, 2010
Leaders are Readers
If you are serious about being a real leader, one that has followers, then you need to understand why reading is important.
In a nutshell reading positive material everyday keeps your mind fresh. It opens up your imagination and increases your thought power.
TV on the other hand decreases your imagination and limits your thought power because video paints the picture for you.
Books force you to put your mind to work because you have to put a picture behind the words.
What does this have to do with leadership? There are many answers and we'll cover most of them this week.
The first answer is discipline. Setting yourself on a reading schedule everyday and following through, regardless of what the day brings. Leaders have the discipline to do the right things everyday. Reading is a great way to start the day.
God Bless
Friday, February 12, 2010
Paying the Price
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
Paying the Price
Here is a brief excerpt from my upcoming book where I discuss paying the price.
It can be easy to take short cuts in life. In fact many people tend to spend more time trying to figure out how to circumvent the system looking for the easy way.
The first step in true personal growth on your way to success is to realize that there will be a cost for success and a cost for failure. What most don’t realize is you will have to pay one of these prices. You can pay the price (invest) in your success once and reap the rewards forever. Or you can continually pay the price for failure.
This price will be paid over and over again for the rest of your life. The choice is yours. It is much easier to go with the success option.
John Maxwell in Leadership Promises discusses the price one must pay in order to achieve success. Here are the factors:
- 1. Change of lifestyle: in all things good, change must occur
- 2. Loneliness: it can be a lonely process
- 3. Faith in GOD: keep in prayer and wait on God’s time
- 4. Criticism: expect those you leave behind to criticize you
- 5. Hard Work and Money: you won’t reach your goal by slacking and you should practice delayed gratification. Your rewards will come.
- 6. Daily Discipline: affirmations, planning your day, everyday pays huge dividends
- 7. Constant Pressure: you will feel more pressure as you become successful, but you’ll be able to handle it better as well
Maxwell, John C. Leadership: Promises for Every Day, a Daily Devotional. Nashville, Tenn: J. Countryman, 2003.
Tuesday, February 9, 2010
Paying the Price
1. Success and failure have a price
2. You will have to pay one of them
3. You can choose which one to pay
Here is what I mean by this. You will face struggles, obstacles and challenges throughout your life regardless of who you are or what you do. Doesn't it make sense to take these on while traveling toward a worthwhile goal or dream?
Pay the price for success once, instead of paying the price for failure forever! Anything can become a habit if you do it long enough; good and bad things.
You can usually tell who has paid the price for success. They are those whom others call "Lucky."Luck should be defined as, opportunity meeting preparation!
Others only see the results, they fail to see the price which was paid behind the scenes.
Success takes time to achieve, but so does failure. Neither happens overnight. Set your goals, along with an action plan and get started, it is not too late.
God Bless!