Scripture of the Day

Friday, January 15, 2010

Saving Grace...Incorporated

The title of my blog today is also the title of my first book. The anticipated release of the book is the main reason for my blog. Both of these processes require motivation to endure.

Without motivation:
Sleeping in would easily become a substitute for blogging at 5:30 AM.
Watching TV would easily take the place of revising the manuscript for the umpteenth time.
Life in general would go on without any real meaning or direction.

Writing properly is difficult. More so than I ever imagined when I started 3.5 years ago. My book started as a non-fiction manual combining leadership and management. It has now taken on a whole new life as a full fledged fictional story with the same theme. However, I now have to learn how to write fiction on the fly.

I could give up like many others. That would be easy. Quitting is not and will never be an option in my life anymore. I watch my wife going through nursing school and my kids struggling daily and realize every day that I am truly blessed.

My Awesome wife and kids are my motivation and there is no way I am going to let them down. So time to suck it up and press on. Review and reset my goals, reaffirm my priorities, recite my mission statement and get back to work.

The only question I have for you today, "What are you waiting for?" Make your comment and get back to work.

Have a great weekend and may God's blessing be with you and yours continually!

1 comment:

  1. You have grown very much pops. I enjoy reading your stuff. Love ya.
