The past few months were sort of a re-focusing period for me. Several projects gained priority while others lost theirs. My priority out side of drawing closer to God, and my awesome family are shown below. These are listed in a flexible order (they will change at any given moment).
1. Finish my bachelors degree. I am enrolled online at The University of Oklahoma!
2. Complete the manuscript for Saving Grace . . . Inc. This book has transformed itself from a non-fiction to a full fledged fiction and I love it.
3. Perform my role as Promotional Strategist at Lifechurch for the Willow Creek Global Leadership Summit.
4. One article per month for submission to various magazines and online periodicals.
5. Blog daily, this will be the biggest challenge. My blogs will be short and sweet and centered around the Valid Success platform. Valid Leadership, which is near and dear to my heart is actually down line from Valid Success. This is an exciting step in the creation of my ministry.
This blog can be found at and sent to your kindle automatically each time there is an update. Another exciting opportunity for 2011.
Thanks for reading.