Who show the work of the law written in their hearts, their conscience also bearing witness, and between themselves their thoughts accusing or else excusing them
Romans 2.15 NKJV
We may be able to hide things for a period of time, but as my awesome wife says, “What is in the dark, will always come to the light!”
Here are a few areas, which can demonstrate our effectiveness as leaders:
1. Never compromise your integrity
2. Treat everyone with respect whether they are present or not
3. Resist the temptation for short-cutting the process
4. Focus on what you do, instead of what happens
5. Understand the basic thought progression
a. Thoughts turn in to feelings
b. Feelings turn in to actions
c. Actions turn in to habits
The quickest way to lose credibility is to allow our actions to be inconsistent with our words. When we have these incongruities we can be labeled as a hypocrite. Needless to say, this will not help us establish effective leadership.
When we are properly prepared, establish excellent communication, and demonstrate our morals, values, ethics, and integrity; we can rise above the pack. And be an effective leader.
How do you demonstrate your leadership? Do you watch how others demonstrate theirs?