Valid Leadership: Leading the Way to Effective Leadership and Successful Living.
A freelance author and senior manager. I teach the VALID leadership concept and SUCCESS principles to the Christian and general markets.
Our Family

(Back Row)Homer, Sarah, Chris, Samantha, Josh, (Front Row) Rosemary, Me
Scripture of the Day
Monday, March 28, 2011
Energy,Goals, and Hope
Tuesday, March 22, 2011
Power Supply Syndrome

Have you noticed nearly everything we buy either includes or we can purchase a power supply for it? Cell phones, laptops, Ipad, Ipod, nooks, kindles, whatever. The idea is to keep the unit fully charged at all times.
We have an older laptop which worked while plugged in, but the battery would not charge. It wasn't used for travel so we never paid any attention to replacing the battery. Recently the laptop shut down and would not come back on. I took it to our IT guy and he used a different supply cord and it fired right up.
What is the point? There are times when we concentrate on our lack of energy or strength instead of focusing on the supply point of where our energy and strength actually originates. In the case of the laptop, it was an electrical cord. In the case of our life, it could be many sources which are not renewed daily.
And we wonder why we lack energy and focus! Where do you derive your strength from? Have you feed it lately?
Monday, March 21, 2011
Back In the Saddle
I enrolled back in school and soon realized this was not bringing me closer to my goals. Higher education is vital, but increasing our debt level is not. Plus, it took away from my writing time which is more important at this time in my life. I'll resume school at a later date.
We also cancelled our vacation realizing once again our this was taking us away from our short term goals. Delayed gratification is tough at times, but worth it. When we reach our goals vacations will be plentiful.
Change is inevitable and should be embraced.
Monday, January 24, 2011

Too many times we say we are going to try to lose a few pounds, or try to pay off bills.
Wednesday, January 19, 2011
The Difference
What is it?
Feelings become Actions.
Actions become habits.
This progression is the same for positive and negative thoughts. Be careful what you put in!
It takes about 21 days to create or to break a habit. Start a new, positive thought process and keep it for 21 days. Watch your Mental Edge grow!
Monday, January 17, 2011

Are you on the right path?
My wife and I enrolled in Dave Ramsey's Financial Peace University last night. We think we are headed down the right path, but how can we be sure?
The best way I know of to confirm direction is to seek wise counsel from those who have been successful in the specific area. If they confirm, move on to another area needing change. If they don't, and ask for mentoring.
Once you identify the mentor you'll need to develop, implement, and follow the plan of action they suggest.
Remember the definition of insanity; doing the same things over and over and expecting different results.
If you want to change your life, you must change your life. The first step is to confirm your path.